Tyler Boddy­Spargo

DevOps Manager


Most of my life has been defined by hard work and aggressive goals, but the primary theme of my professional career has been to identify inefficiencies and patterns of negative outcomes and to address them with process improvements and automation. I see the technology industry's Dev(Sec)Ops trend as a validating expression of my inherent instincts for code-based solutions, quick iterations, automated testing and deployments, short feedback loops, and data-driven decision making. Recently, I have focused on scaling such solutions and increasing the adoption of DevOps practices across teams at Epic Hosting, a medical software infrastructure management service provider. I am currently looking for opportunities to further explore cloud IaaS providers like Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services, platforms like Kubernetes, and provisioning tools like Terraform. I know that my leadership skills and high expectations will also help teams use those technologies effectively.

Work Experience

Systems Engineer/Development Lead

2015 - 2021 Epic Hosting
  • Led development managers and teams in establishing robust policies, processes, standards, and automated testing and CI/CD tools.
  • Coordinated the implementation, management, and monitoring of complex infrastructure-as-code pipelines using GitLab, Artifactory, Puppet, Bolt, Splunk, and more.
  • Managed multiple Puppet instances serving 20,000+ nodes.
  • Designed and oversaw the best practices in a Puppet management and development ecosystem.
  • Helped design configuration management strategies to facilitate cloud migrations (Azure).
  • Wrote extensive documentation to support maintainable solutions and improve employee on-boarding.
  • Created many reliable automation tools using PowerShell to streamline infrastructure build and configuration.
  • Co-founded a popular "snack time" weekly team bonding event. 😁
  • Managed the virtual application delivery platform (Citrix + Windows) for large health care organizations.
  • Developed internal web applications (.NET/C# + Knockout.js) to help support engineers better track client environment configurations.

Content Editor/Administrator

2013 - 2015
  • Created a custom content management platform for translators and content seekers.
  • Built tools to measure, visualize, and use performance metrics to improve efficiency.

Technology Assistant

2008 - 2012 Carleton College Media Department

Along with a team of technologically-inclined students, I helped film and publish video versions of campus events and run a media equipment lending library. I also supported students with their multimedia projects by providing guidance in using Logic, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Photoshop.

Development Projects

Blocipedia (Rails)

  • Used RSpec and the test driven development (TDD) paradigm to create a maintainable codebase.
  • Worked with Rails migrations and a simple PostgreSQL back-end to perform schema updates.
  • Worked in a cloud IDE and deployed to Heroku cloud PaaS provider.
  • Leveraged Devise and Pundit to quickly implement authentication and authorization features.

ChatterBox (AngularJS + Firebase)

  • Created directives and services to separate and re-use data retrieval and functional elements.
  • Designed an elaborate data model to enhance application security using Firebase.

BlocJams (React)

  • Created site elements as reusable React components.
  • Used state-aware event listener callbacks to support plyr audio framework.

Bloculator (Ruby)

  • Researched infix and postfix mathematic notation styles to support complex expressions.



2017 - 2018

The part-time program at Bloc is an excellent, mentor-led course which has allowed me to work on my skills as a web developer. The curriculum follows many aspects of the web development stack from the front-end with JavaScript (React/Angular) to back-ends powered by Ruby on Rails w/ PostgreSQL and Google Firebase.

Conservatories Niedermeyer and Royal de Bruxelles

2012 - 2015

After receiving my undergraduate degree, I moved to France and then Belgium to pursue a musical education. I ended up at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels where I placed into and completed my second year. While I ultimately decided that a career as a musician wasn’t for me, music is still a passion of mine. Additionally, being a full-time student while working 30-35 hrs/week substantially improved my time management skills.

Carleton College

2008 - 2012

I received an exceptional liberal arts education from Carleton, taking advantage of study abroad opportunities in both France and Spain as I slowly decided on a major in Romance Languages. Carleton is also where I took my first computer science class, introducing me to the endless possibilities of a career in programming.